Melanie Dolphin DipPFS

Financial Planner

01173 634 684

Bristol & Cheltenham Office


Melanie offers a fresh perspective on traditional financial advice. She loves getting to know new clients and is always down-to-earth and relatable no matter what stage clients are at on their journey.

Melanie can put financial products and technical expertise in the context of you as an individual, put you in control of your finances and give you the freedom to pursue what matters most to you.

She has a keen interest in supporting all clients; whether they are first time investors just starting out, right up to those beginning to prepare for retirement. She’s knowledgeable on the ‘Responsible Investment’ options available for the growing number of clients who are looking for their investments to match their values or beliefs.

Melanie also works closely with the Hartsfield Trustee team to support both SSAS and business clients.

Statement of professional standing

All financial planners and advisers must have an up-to-date Statement of Professional Standing (SPS). This shows they are suitably qualified for the position and have carried out the required amount of Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

Click here to see Melanie's Statement of Professional Standing


You can see the qualifications Melanie holds by clicking the button below.

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Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning – DipPFS

The Level 4 Diploma meets the FCA’s qualification requirements for retail investment advisers, demonstrating core technical knowledge and financial planning capabilities across six core areas.

European Financial Adviser – EFA

The mission of the European Financial Planning Association is to set, promote and implement high quality standards for competence and ethical behaviour for the financial advisory sector throughout Europe, benefiting the profession, financial firms and clients.

Politics Degree – BA (Hons)

Loughborough University


Personal Tax and Trust Planning (AF1)

Assesses the candidate’s ability to develop in depth financial planning skills related to personal tax and trusts.

Retirement Income Planning (AF8)

Assesses the advanced skills needed for advising on income planning to those in and approaching retirement. Applying knowledge and tools for formulating suitable strategies regarding fund withdrawals, investment risks, estate planning and other later life concerns.

Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics (R01)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.

Investment Principles (R02)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.

Personal Taxation (R03)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK taxation system, and the ability to analyse the taxation treatment of individuals and trusts during the investment advice process.

Pensions and Retirement Planning (R04)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse pension and retirement planning issues.

Financial Protection (R05)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of an ability to analyse financial protection planning issues.

Financial Planning Practice (R06)

Assesses advisers financial planning capabilities. Tests the practical application of technical knowledge and planning skills already gained, supporting the provision of competent and appropriate advice.

Discretionary Investment Management (J10)

Assessing knowledge and understanding of the role of the Discretionary Investment Manager, and the ability to analyse and apply financial information and portfolio management skills.

Financial Planning Process (AF5)

Assesses advisers advanced financial planning capabilities. Tests the practical application of technical knowledge and planning skills already gained, supporting the provision of competent and appropriate advice.

Financial Services Products and Solutions (LP2)

Assesses a knowledge and understanding of customer needs, including an understanding of key retail financial products such as savings, investments and tax wrappers.

Accreditations and awards

What matters most

What matters most to Melanie about working for Hartsfield?

I feel very lucky to work with such a close-knit team who I can call friends and not just colleagues.

Everyone’s opinion counts and we all look out for each other. It’s so lovely to see the whole team constantly improving and progressing and we are all each other’s best cheerleaders. The flexibility we have at Hartsfield means we get to deliver to our clients while still enjoying our lives outside of work.

What matters most to Melanie about her specific role?

I love getting to know new clients and taking a more down-to-earth and relatable approach.

I think it’s really important for clients to understand and feel engaged with the whole planning process - this helps them to feel more confident and in control. It’s essential to do that by not using jargon or condescending anyone who is new to the process. It’s also great to be challenging the status quo of what a typical financial planner is expected to be.

What matters most to Melanie outside of work?

I’m definitely a social butterfly; I love spending time with my friends and family. I’m always happier when I’m outdoors being active; either a weekend mountain biking or at the coast attempting to surf.

I lived in Chamonix for a few years after I graduated from university so I always look forward to going skiing (when I can!) and visiting friends who are scattered all over the world.

Get in touch

Ready to take the next step towards your financial goals? Call or email your local office to book a free financial consultation. Better still, pop in and see us. And if you’re short on time, just leave us a message here and we’ll call you.

Bristol Office

Cheltenham Office

Wiltshire Office